We operate on 16,000+ acres of long term, private leased, highly managed, prime habitat in Chautauqua and Elk counties . Our ground consists of a mixture of mature timber, cedars, river bottoms, oak flats, brushy hedgerows, agricultural fields, crp grasses..the entire Kansas experience. We focus on growing and managing for some of the countries largest free ranging, fair chase whitetails.
Our whitetail season kicks off in September with muzzleloaders, a time when you can still catch velvet bucks in their bachelor groups on summer feeding patterns. From there, we transition right into archery through October and into the always exciting Kansas rut of November. The end of November brings on our two week rifle season taking us into December, which is never a dull time. We finish up chasing big bucks with our cold late season archery hunts through the end of the month.
With the end of our rifle whitetail hunts, we begin turning our eyes to the skies for the wide array of waterfowl that pass through our properties. Our ground offers multiple ponds, lakes, rivers, and grain fields to hunt over- so we can be where the birds want to be. We also open up for the hunters who chase the flush of a covey of quail, as our ground is home to many birds. April brings our turkey hunters into camp. Kansas offers a one bird limit, and we have Easterns, Rios, and Hybrids roaming our land. Due to the wide predation, we are allowed to hunt and trap coyotes year round- so we always have something to offer our friends.
Whatever you choose to hunt, we do hope that you choose to hunt it here with us at J&M Whitetail Outfitters: Destination Kansas.
We offer Muzzleloader, Archery & Rifle hunts for Whitetail Deer.
Fully Guided:
Scouting/observing year round in order to put you as close as possible to a trophy
Nutrition plan with mineral and feed for necessary growing periods and during your hunt
Drop off and pick up from stand
Fully Guided
Contact Teddy Carr for booking information
Email: teddycarr@verizon.net
Phone: 540-735-5391
3 Days/4 Nights
Fully Guided. Semi guided also available
Contact Duane Adams for booking information​
Fully and Semi Guided available